To place an order with us you need to have your account reference to hand.
If you are a new customer, please complete a new customer form and then return for an account to be set up. Please see our terms and conditions of supply.
If you are a new customer, please complete a new customer form and then return for an account to be set up. Please see our terms and conditions of supply.
There are several ways of ordering from us:
Telephone: +44 (0)1932 690325
Fax: Please print the customer order form
and fax back to us on +44 (0)1932 341091.
Post: Unit 16, Trade City, Avro Way,
Brooklands Business Park, Weybridge,
Surrey, KT13 0YF.
All UK orders will be processed and dispatched within 24 working hours. Overseas orders will be processed and dispatched within 3-4 working days, subject to the appropriate regulatory documentation being completed.
We are always on the lookout for differentiated medicines and late-stage opportunities that could fit with our growing portfolio and can improve the standard of care for more patients around the world.